In Hirosaki our friend Cédi joined us on July 17th, travelling with us for 2 weeks through Tohokū region. In Hirosaki we luckily stayed at Ishiba Ryokan. The first evening the owner, Sochiro, took us to a restaurant. Just a hand full of seats, everyone sitting at the bar and smoking, no menu card and all japanese guys of course. We had tasty sashimi, eel, clams, octopus and ramen. This was already awesome – then a friend of the ryokan owner, Eiji, joined us! What a coincidence that he spoke german, and even lived in Basel for almost a year. The evening was a blast, awesome food, drinks (Sake of course), chats and laughter. The next morning we visited Hirosaki castle and the surrounding park. In the afternoon we met with Eiji to visit the temple where he learned german initially. From there we continued to the Neputa museum. Neputa is a summer festival, in some ways similiar to Fasnacht in Switzerland, where huge lanterns are pulled through the city. There are drums and flutes as well. In the museum we listened to a short Shamisen concert, before we enjoyed dinner.